

With our research-backed data and strategic partnerships with leading academics in the industry, we help you identify risks, formulate growth strategy and make informed investment decisions. We curate diverse and distinct datasets, develop turnkey indicators and deliver actionable insights that can be integrated into any investment process. You can access our research through:

  • Insights, our exclusive online research portal for clients that hosts all our research and interactive charts, allowing you to construct and evaluate portfolios
  • Face-to-face meetings with our strategists, researchers and academic partners
  • Conferences and roundtables

Our research platform provides you with a deep understanding of investor behavior, emerging media narratives, consumer demand and risk dynamics. We use data-driven indicators that derive up-to-date insights from our information set.

Our Solutions

Our core indicators include:

Investor Behavior

Institutional flows and holdings in equities, fixed income and FX, derived from a proprietary database


Bespoke measurements of risk, correlation and concentration to monitor the likelihood of tail events


Inflation statistics from more than five million products sold online by retailers in more than 20 countries

Media sentiment metrics covering global equity and FX markets, as well as the major thematic narratives that are driving markets, from more than 100,000 digital media sources across more than 70 countries

Private Equity

Cash flow and company valuation data from a proprietary database of more than $US3 trillion private equity instruments*

You can also benefit from our:

Market commentary

Our team of macro strategists produce recurring commentary on equity, fixed income and currency markets around the world. We offer a differentiated view on global market trends, risk and opportunities.

Thought leadership

Access our white papers and peer-reviewed research articles related to macro/multi-asset investor behavior, hedging, risk regimes, liquidity risk, private assets, portfolio construction and more.

Why State Street

Backed by 20 years of experience, our indicators, models and publications now span across assets classes, countries, factors and even environmental, social and governance. Access to our research service provides you with unique metrics of investor behavior, media sentiment, online inflation and price-based measures of risk to give you an information edge. Our proprietary indicators and expert market research provide you with deeper insight and a differentiated data edge into the major drivers of volatility in global markets.

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