
FICC Sponsored Repo

Our Funding and Collateral Solutions team provides competitive liquidity solutions while aiming to reduce counterparty risk in repo transactions. We worked with the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC) in 2005 to establish FICC’s sponsored member repo initiative, which first permitted US mutual funds to clear their overnight US dollar versus US Treasury and Agency repurchase transactions.

Sponsored member benefits
FICC Sponsored Member Repo allows you to unlock the benefits of centrally cleared repo without needing to satisfy all of the obligations of a direct clearing member. We offer competitive pricing along with a proven source of stable liquidity. Our innovative model opens new investment and liquidity access to end-user participants. We offer supportive credit intermediation, helping market realize the benefit of matching peers’ supply and demand. We manage infrastructure and trade processing activity with FICC.

Our market leadership
We offer overnight, term investment and financing solutions, accommodating both-, delivery versus payment (investment and financing) and triparty settlement (investment). We serve more than 135 clients and more than 1,950 individual entities. Our expanded service supports 15 jurisdictions.

Proven source of liquidity
Regulatory initiatives, introduced to protect the stability of the global financial services ecosystem, have ultimately served as a catalyst for the cleared repo market. Sponsored, centrally-cleared repo — popular for its credit intermediation and accessibility profile — has proven to be an essential liquidity component for buy-side cash investors and cash borrowers alike.

Why State Street

As a market leader in gross sponsored cleared volume, we have sponsored clients’ FICC repo activity for more than 17 years. We were the first Sponsoring Member to support cash borrowers and non-US entities, and we continue to innovate. As of December 2021, our net repo volumes stood at US$150 billion, serving more than 135 clients across 15 eligible jurisdictions. We are proud of our depth of regulatory understanding of each jurisdiction that we serve and have dedicated technical specialists on hand to assist clients. As a highly rated trust and processing bank, we have evolved to meet the changing needs of our customers.

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