
Foreign Exchange

As a global systemically important bank (G-SIB) with an "AA-" credit rating1, we offer the liquidity profile, data-driven research and expertise to meet your varying foreign exchange (FX) needs. You may engage with us from various high- to low-touch principal execution methods or fully outsourced agency solutions.

Liquidity solutions
Trade on nearly any venue with our electronic FX price stream and our comprehensive suite of FX Algorithms. Alternatively, you may choose to utilize our single bank dealer platform, VectorFXSM, thereby taking complete control over the execution lifecycle of your order inclusive of pre- and post-trade transaction cost analysis (TCA) via BestXSM. Vector integrates directly into Charles River, FX Connect®, or may be used on its own.

High touch: Direct FX
Choose your own execution time and method, and contact our sales traders directly for a principal execution. Trade by voice or trade electronically on one of the many available multibank platforms.

Low touch: StreetFXSM
Provides a fully automated, rules-based platform that can increase transparency and efficiency, seeks to reduce trading costs, minimizes operational costs and helps to mitigate uncompensated risk in the FX trade life cycle. With client-defined parameters and straight-through process, StreetFXSM is a scalable and transparent solution.

No touch: Indirect FX
Provides convenient access to market-leading infrastructure to outsource and automate your FX trades. Designed specifically for the FX trades that relate to the purchase, sale or holding of a security.

Risk management
Agency FX
Allows you to outsource your FX requirements to a dedicated and segregated agency execution desk, therefore removing the cost and resource headache of running this function internally. This further enables you to diversify credit risk and unify external manager FX activity. It also offers the potential for cost reductions and the ability to improve margins by freeing up resources to focus on other core business activities.

Currency management
Our agency-based currency overlay service offers share class hedging, portfolio hedging and benchmark ETF hedging. Our Currency Management program provides you with a robust framework for operational risk and oversight.

Our innovative transaction cost analysis (TCA) platform, offers pre- and post-trade TCA for FX and Fixed Income.

Advisory services
State Street Associates’ tailored analysis helps formulate strategy, identify risks, enhance returns, and manage risk.

Asset intelligence
Investor behavior indicators
Leveraging the US$43.7 trillion of assets2 we administer, we are able to provide you with readings into the aggregate behavior of institutional investors around the world and across asset classes.

Our high frequency inflation series scrapes 350 million online prices around the globe every day, thereby helping to anticipate inflation trends around the world and inform dynamic strategies. By using real-time online pricing, it offers a better estimate on each country’s consumer price inflation growth than public information.

Risk indicators
We provide measures of financial turbulence and systematic risk in the current financial market and the likelihood of extreme losses.

We collect more than 100,000 media sources and generate real time market sentiment of broad media sentiment with estimated effects on future price fluctuations. However you choose to work with us, we provide access to the Liquidity Solutions, Risk Management, and Asset Intelligence necessary to provide you and your clients the outcome orientated solutions to succeed.

Our market leadership
Euromoney FX survey rankings, June 2022

In the 44th annual Euromoney FX survey, which studied liquidity consumption in the global FX markets, State Street was recognized as the fourth largest FX provider globally, with a market share of 7.66 percent and has been listed in the top 10 for the past 5 years. Additionally, we were recognized as:

  •  No.1 Overall for Real Money clients
  •  No.1 in Best Service for Real Money clients
  •  No.1 Market Leader in the Americas for all client segments, up from third position in 2021 and tenth position in 2020
  •  No.1 in Electronic Trading for Real Money clients for the fifth year in a row
  •  No.1 in Swaps overall globally
  •  No.1 for Ability in EM Currencies for Real Money clients globally
  •  No.1 for Client algorithmic trading execution for Real Money clients globally
  •  No.1 for Salesforce and Service for Leveraged funds globally
  •  No.1 Multi-dealer platform
  •  No.1 Multi-dealer platform in real money Best service in FX Euromoney
  •  No.1 in Research overall (globally, across all client types) for macro research and quant research by Euromoney

Industry Recognition

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